格物学 社会学 社会学


美国爱丁堡大学?The University of Edinburgh好像是在UK吧!对不对?


What does the course actually involve?

If you do sociology, you take three subjects in first year. Sociology 1 is compulsory and comprises two half courses. The first half-course introduces some key ideas of the discipline by examining the relationship between ‘individuals’ and ‘societies’. Among the topics will be the social nature of the self, the influence of groups, work, education and religion. The second half is designed to explore sociological thinking with regard to a number of issues of contemporary concern. Topics will include risk, aspects of postmodernity, intimate relations, the body, the rise of the image, and emerging forms of inequality.

As well as Sociology 1, you choose two other courses in your first year. The choice is wide, although many opt for courses which relate well to Sociology such as Social History, Social Policy, Politics or Social Anthropology.

In second year you take Sociology 2h, Social and Political Theory and Social and Political Enquiry, all half courses that last one term. You then choose one and a half courses selected from Arts or Social Sciences. Sociology 2h builds on Sociology 1 by examining key processes underlying the formation and transformation of modern societies. Patterns of social organisation and social division are studied, involving categories such as class, gender, kinship, ethnicity and nationality. The sociological perspective is exemplified through topics which illustrate the connection between contemporary public issues and matters of personal and social identity. Sociology is a popular ‘outside’ subject for students in other subjects.

The flexibility of the Edinburgh degree system means that some students transfer into Sociology having embarked on a different degree.

The opportunity for choice is carried into the Honours programme in the third and fourth years. You take two core courses, Social Theory, and Methods of Social Research, and are then free to choose two options in Junior Honours (third year) and five options in Senior Honours (fourth year). Sociology provides a large selection of courses including Gender and Development, Scotland: Social Structure/Social Change, Culture and Modernity, Criminology, Medical Sociology, Nationalism, Intimate Relationships, Urban Sociology, Politics and Cultures of Financial Markets, Sociology of the Body, and Gender, Science and Technology.

去你喜欢的大学网站上找找看!肯定会有! None 内容来自网友回答


管理学专业就业后运气好的话 就从公司的一般职员做起 升职 ..你要有背景的话另外考虑 其他的也就是做做文秘啊 之类的 不知道楼主的学校的管理学具体是什么内容 我们学校工商管理学学习很多的 有市场营销 财务 会计....






12年,也就是今年考研时间是一月七号八号。社会学除了考英语政治之外,至于专业课,各个学校考的都不一样 但一般包括四个方面:社会学概论、社会学理论、统计、调查方法,一般考概论就不考理论,考理论就不考概论,但也有部分学校两个都看,每个学校基本都会考调查方法。而统计只是部分学校才考,而且一般都比较重视数学方面的学校。 具体专业课考试要求,参见你的目标学校,一般都会有指定参考书和考试科目




中国传媒大学社会学专业好不好?它是不是艺术类的专业? 每年在湖北省的社会学的录取分数线

中国传媒大学社会学专业好不好?它是不是艺术类的专业? 每年在湖北省的社会学的录取分数线

首先要说的是社会学专业不是艺术类专业。 今年中国传媒大学在湖北省招社会学专业2个人,而且是理工类,我简直服了,社会学招理工类,简直是瞎扯淡。 09年没有在湖北招社会学;08年招了3个,文史类,最高分是550,最低分是537;06、07年社会学都没在湖北招人;05年招了2个,文史类,分数为527。

高考倒计时 {dede:global.cfg_gktime/}2024年高考时间 6月7日,8日,9日
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